Sunday 23 November 2008
This is the link to my map!!!
Have fun, and grade kindly!!!!!!!!!!!

England- UK

During Charlemagne's rein in England, the Roman half uncial script was created, it was written in a cursive form Roman half Uncial script and its cursive version, that led to the Carolingian minuscule. This script. They were combined with features from the uncial scripts that were being used in Irish and English monasteries,

Though Charlemagne had a great part in creating the script, he can't be the only person appreciated for it's making, another man called Alcuin of York, who ran the palace school and scriptorium was the chief influence in this. However, Charlemagne still contributed greatly. This writing had been created so that it is easier for people cross country to communicate meanwhile understanding.
This is a picture of the script they used to use.

Visigothic- Spain

In Visigothic Spain is where the Carolingian Renaissance took place it was the period of intellectual and cultural revival led by Charlemagne. During this period many important developments had occurred. For exp. There was a gross increase of literature, writing, arts, architecture, and sculpture. This period has also developed the Medieval Latin and provided a common language and writing style all around most of Europe. Many changes were brought on during this period that helped shape it in to the successful Empire that it was.

This picture above is an example of Carolingian art, from the Charlemagene Empire.

This is a picture of Alcuin who was one of the leading scholars of the Carolingian Renaissance.


Charles conducts a series of campaigns against the Avars in present-day Austria, his main reason for his campaigns was because he had a strong determination to strengthen his realm and to brink back order to Europe. He first launched his military campaign to accomplish his goal in the year 772 it lasted 30 years. He was the undisputed ruler of Western Europe by the year 800. He had managed to establish a central government from these campaigns over Western Europe and he managed to restore much of the unity of the old Roman Empire and had opened the door for the development of modern Europe such as the organization the European Union. This is an image of a scen of one of the campaigns in Austria.


Charlemagne had established many important constructions in Aachen, but the most important one is the Palace of Aachen in the north-west of Germany. It was made by Charlemagne as the centre of power for his Carolingian Empire. It is made up of a collection of residential, political, and religious buildings used by Charlemagne for his centre of power, the Carolingian Empire. It was a very important architectural project for the Carolingian renaissance. The palace was designed by Odo of Metz and was built mostly in the 790s, but it was a work that continued until the death of Charlemagne in 814. Nowadays, most of the palace has been destroyed but its chapel and is part of the Aachen cathedral which is one another important piece of Architecture made in Aachen. This is a picture of what experts think his palace would have looked like.


A very important event that happens to be based on the Song of Roland that takes place as Charlemagne's rear guard leaves the Basque territory that lies in Spain. His defeat caused a need for the word to spread, because people are interested when such a great force could get defeated. So, the defeat was told as an amazing romanticized peace of epic literature that is full with 4000 lines. It speaks of the defeat that Charlemagne's army had taken in Roland in the battle at the Roncesvalles. This is very significant because it is one of the most important epic pieces of literature that has come from the middle ages. This is a picture of the story written of the defeat.

Charlemagne in Bavaria

Charlemagne had also conquered Bavaria in Germany. There he done one of the hardest things a man had to do, he brought to all the territory of the Germanic tribes into one political unit, making one country share the same rules, priorities, advantages, and the same ethics, he basically turned it back to a solid strong country. Present day, he is regarded as the father of the German monarchy and the father of Europe. This is because as he has done with Germany, his empire united most of Western Europe for the first time. He had done this because because he wanted to the form a common European Identity. If it wasn’t for Charlemagne, joining Germany in to one country and later joining it to his empire, Germany and other state countries wouldn’t have been apart of the European union. It would have been a great loss for our generation today.