Thursday 20 November 2008


Charlemagne’s interest in Lombard started when he got a call for help from Pope Adrian 1, and had the natural instinct to answer the call. The pope himself, was being pressured by the Lombards king to anoint Charlemagnes' sons as Frankish kings. This made the great ruler severely mad and provoked Charlemagne in to launching a compaign that extended all the way to the Lombardy’s capital, Pavia. He soon became the king of the Lombards, by scaring the people enough so that they opened their doors in surender. They feared harm. Him being the kind of the Lombards, influenced the country very much. For instance, they got many advantages from Charlemagne being their ruler such as being a part of the renaisance. They got to have education brought in to their country, which made their people strive in many ways. This picture shows the scene where Charlemagne rushed to a place near Rome to answer the popes request by providing assistance. Many might wonder why, the answer is simple, The Frankish king Charlemagne was a devout Catholic who maintained a close relationship with the papacy throughout his life.

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